Better recruiters always ‘stay paranoid’
The biggest threat facing most recruiters is not competitors, AI, in-house Talent teams, skills shortages or even a recession (although that will hurt!).
The biggest threat for most recruiters is ‘complacency’.
I can’t tell you how many promising recruiters have fallen off the rails because of early success, which they have mistakenly understood to mean they ‘know it all’.
The two years post-COVID were a boom; many did well and good for them. It was hard work, and it paid off – for now.
The market is changing and will change again. So, being nimble, hungry to learn and adapt is critical.
One of the things I always look for when hiring new recruiters is ‘coachability‘. I don’t know if that’s a word, but I know what it means.
The ability to learn new skills, the willingness to change, a mindset that seeks improvement, and the ego that accepts there may ‘be a better way’.
I see it all the time and have done for decades. A new recruiter has raw potential, works hard, gets some basic skills, and has early success. We all love recognition, but why is it in this business that ‘prima donnas’ bloom so early and with so little reason? Actually, I know why. We all worship at the altar of ‘fees’ in this industry. Some recruitment companies will excuse ignorance, arrogance, and lack of fundamental understanding of client and candidate needs – as long as a recruiter bills. In fact, they reward it. So green recruiter Johnny, who knows 2% of very little, is now a hero because he stitched together a good quarter of billings! No wonder he thinks he knows it all!
And that is the danger period. For you. Usually, after about two years. Complacency emerges. The barriers to learning go up. In reality, Johnny plateaus, stagnates, and, unbeknown to him, starts to whither!
Do you want to be great at this job? Forge a real career? Then, you have to understand the concept of your ‘Skills Briefcase‘.
(Check out my explanation in this one minute vid, then read on below)
Imagine all your skills, capabilities, competencies, and knowledge – and then place them in your imaginary ‘skills briefcase’.
The question is simply this. What skills, knowledge, tactics, relationships, and competencies will be in your skills briefcase one year from now….. that are not in there today?
Or, what is in there now that was not there 12 months ago?
Tackle skills you are not good at and perfect them. Look for a mentor. Seek training and coaching. Tune into industry trends and changes and grab what you need.
Above all, be open to learning the nuances of our challenging job.
Anyone can match a résumé with a job description. That takes a week to learn. And you may even make some placements. But it’s the craft of recruiting I am talking about. The art. The skill of it.
That takes years. Decades. Forever.
Great recruiters are sponges for life. You are never ‘on top of your game’ in this business. You can always get better.
It’s a strange phrase but meant the way I do, it is pertinent.
‘Stay paranoid’
Obviously, I don’t mean the clinical mental state, but always think, ‘Where am I lacking?’ and ‘What is new that I need to master?’
Then act on it.
This video is a clip from my recent “Recruit” masterclass tour attended by nearly 1,000 recruiters in Australia.
The full 2.5 hour masterclass is available on the SRA.
The new “Reinvent your recruiting in 2024 Masterclass” is now live on the Savage Recruitment Academy.
Based on what I see is working and not working in the leading recruitment companies I work with
90 minutes of fresh tactics to thrive in the coming year. Sign up now

- Posted by Greg Savage
- On August 28, 2023
- 1 Comment
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