The candidate’s revenge will hurt you
Recruiters, In-house and Agency, sometimes lapse into hubris and complacency.
Don’t take offence. It’s a fact. I have been guilty myself.
The candidate experience has been a disaster for decades, ironically made exponentially worse by all the Wizz-bang technology tools added to ‘enhance the process’.
And new AI tools, used by candidates and recruiters alike, are currently turning the ‘apply and screen’ process into a massive bunfight.
Here is the news.
AI and automation are making recruitment much worse for all parties right now.
Candidates can ‘game the system’ (Ok, cheat!) using tools to create resumes and cover letters and auto-apply while asleep! AI can even help candidates in live VC interviews (Check out Copilot), and recruiters are using unreliable tech to do their jobs or simply falling asleep at the wheel.
It will improve in time, but all this hype about AI streamlining and improving recruitment is miles from reality.
So, the candidate experience is potentially much worse now. And it has always been bad anyway!
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Two years ago, we had a talent shortage. (Remember that?) So, candidates got marginally better treatment because recruiters ‘needed them‘. The problem is, we always need them! So don’t be short-sighted now that the market has turned and there are plenty of candidates.
As a professional, empathetic human, you should look after your candidates through simple behaviours like engaging, responding, informing, providing feedback, and coaching—especially now.
But it’s also the commercially intelligent thing to do.
Candidates will remember the companies and agencies that treated them like cattle, and the names of individual recruiters who demeaned and disappointed them will be burned into their brains.
And they will hurt you—a lot.
Because the market will turn again, and you will need them
And they will ignore you. Even deride you.
And you will deserve it.
Remember, please.
The candidate is assessing you, too.
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- Posted by Greg Savage
- On November 5, 2024
- 0 Comment