Will You Stay Relevant In Recruitment?
Are you still ‘relevant’?
A confronting question, I know, but we all need to ask it of ourselves.
This is a five-minute video, but it could change your life. Certainly your career.
I am not kidding
Chris Savage reflects on how he went from being the ‘youngest person in the room’ early in his career, to now, when he is inevitably the oldest person at every meeting and event.
But the point is he is there because he is invited. Needed. Sought out. Listened to.
What an honour. What an achievement.
Is this going to be you as your career advances?
How do recruiters stay relevant in a world of rapid change and shifting client and candidate expectations?
Are you doing enough to stay current? Are you protecting and nurturing your future career prospects?
We all have to work hard to stay a step ahead of the massive change in our industry – and in business generally.
Watch this video. It’s five minutes long but is so interesting it seems like 90 seconds.
Below the video link are some quick teasers. They won’t make total sense unless you listen to what Chris says in the video.
Do not miss this if you want to stay current, relevant, in demand and dictating when you pull back – not being told that you have reached your ‘use by’ date.
- The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary
- To stay relevant, you must work on yourself as ‘a project’.
- If you plan to retire when you are 65, how many more years have you got to go?
- There will be more change in the way business is done in the next three years than in your entire life so far.
- What got you here, will not get you there.
- Seven ideas for you to stay relevant
- Sign up for ‘nano degrees’. (Five hours over 3 months).
- Networking means extending your ‘footprint of influence’.
- Meet one new person every week
- If you can develop relationships, ‘anything is possible’.
- You don’t make friends in a crisis.
- You must build ‘goodwill equity’ before you have a problem and need help.
- Keep current in the communities and cultures you operate in.
- Energy. Leaders are ‘dealers in hope’.
- Take action! ‘Knowing’ is not good enough. You must act!
- Done is better than perfect.
- Face reality. Speak with radical candour. Tell the truth
- ‘Which way do trees fall?”. They fall the way they lean! Watch out which way you lean!
- Take yourself seriously.
- Be so good that they simply can’t ignore you
Connect on LinkedIn with Chris Savage here.
Now is the time to equip your recruiters with new skills
Your leaders and managers need development too
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- Posted by Greg Savage
- On September 23, 2024
- 0 Comment