4 reasons your career will soar again
For most recruiters, it’s tough.
For some, so challenging that they have left the recruitment industry.
In the last six months, I have heard from enough recruiters and recruitment owners worldwide to appreciate that the pain is real and impacts incomes, morale, and mental health.
So, it is time to reset and calibrate.
1: Firstly, never for a moment believe that you have suddenly become a ‘bad recruiter‘. Yes, numbers are down, and plenty of what you try is not working. But it’s the same for the vast majority. You haven’t suddenly lost your ability overnight. You are not ‘a failure’ simply because the current results are not what you wish. Don’t compare yourself to past results in different times and environments. Measure yourself against what is achievable now.
2: Secondly, don’t underestimate how much you are achieving, even if it’s not paying off in placements and dollars. The BD efforts that seem to be a waste are still building ‘equity’. Your clients and prospects may not be responding simply because they are not hiring now. But your engagement, communication and contact are leaving their mark, and the benefits will come in the days ahead.
3: Thirdly, it’s hard to see it now, but your resilience and perseverance are burnishing and improving you as a recruiter and a businessperson. You are learning new skills; you are hunting in new patches. You may even be humbled by the lean years following the fat years. It’s not comfortable. It’s not always fun. But it is restocking your skills briefcase, and it will pay dividends in the future.
4: Finally, the sun will shine on recruitment again. The boom will return. Do I know when? No. How do I know at all, then? Because over 45 years in this industry, it has always been thus. The market always recovers. Every day that you get through is a day closer to where you once again will thrive and grow.
Read this piece of recruiting history to give you some comfort
So, stay calm, my recruiting friends. Hold firm. Give yourself some credit for what you are achieving in trying times.
The wheel will turn.
Sunny days will return.
Just make sure you are still there to enjoy them.
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- Posted by Greg Savage
- On June 17, 2024