Your screw-ups can build client trust
It is like this.
If you are transactional and can only do the parts of the recruiting job that can be automated, danger looms.
You need to excel at the parts of the job that only humans can do— advisory, selling, influencing, counselling, and creating outcomes.
But to be an advisor or to provide counsel, there is one fundamental requirement.
Clients (and candidates) must trust you.
You must be credible.
Building trust is a heady cocktail of experience, knowledge, delivery, and outcomes, but there is one pivotal moment of truth that looks like a disaster but is, in fact, an opportunity.
When things go wrong.
When you screw up.
Or maybe one of many unpredictable recruitment curve balls comes your way.
(Check out the 90-second video that explains. Then read on)
The perfect candidate, who has been keen all along, that the client is on the cusp of offering – who reneges.
The last-second counteroffer!
The Temp who bombs out mid-assignment!
The ‘perfect placement’ who leaves your client after 6 weeks to chase the waves in Bali.
You know the drill! So many recruitment pain points.
Plenty of recruiters destroy trust right here.
Not because of the mistake or mishap.
But because of how they responded
Or did not respond in some cases.
To understand how to build trust when things go wrong, watch the video.
This is an excerpt from my ‘Recruit’ masterclass speaking tour, which covered 12 cities in Australia and the UK.
All based on the content of the best-selling book ‘Recruit. The Savage Way’
Also, the full 3 hours presentation (from which this clip is taken) is available on the Savage Recruitment Academy.
- Posted by Greg Savage
- On September 11, 2023
- 0 Comment