The magic of a qualified Job-Order
Candidate shortages, huh?
We have got to find more candidates!
Well, yes, but also, no.
How about we start by managing the client and the job order?
A much misunderstood and poorly handled recruiter skill is the high art of taking a qualified job order.
No job order was ever filled by a candidate who fitted it perfectly. A candidate who had every single requirement listed.
There are not many either that cannot be massaged, finessed, adapted and improved… by the recruiter communicating with the client, before the candidate search even starts.
And with talent shortages likely to get worse over time, your job is to help the client build a job description that solves his/her issues, but which is actually fillable!
Your job is to make your jobs… fillable.
If you know the desired candidate profile is impossible to find – you influence the creation of the job order.
I talk about it here on this 60-second video. Worth a watch.
It is a tiny snippet from the 25-hour content on the Savage Recruitment Academy.
With the Academy, you get the full details of qualifying job orders. This includes the ‘Three key questions‘ I mention here. Any recruiter who acts on a job order without asking these three questions is plain crazy. And dumb.
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- Posted by Greg Savage
- On August 17, 2021
- 0 Comment