Most recruiters are missing the post-Covid reality.
There is a massive post-Covid reality that most recruiters are yet to ‘get’.
So I will tell you.
As recruiting gets ‘more remote’, you get ‘more engaged’.
Sure candidates want (and in some cases must have) interviews on Zoom etc. Indeed I doubt we will ever go back to every candidate interviewed face to face.
However, many recruiters have made this an excuse for sloppy, superficial interviews, where needs are not fully understood, assumptions not questioned, and pre-closing not drilled.
And then it’s tears and moans and ‘woe is me‘ when the candidates ghost them or accept a counteroffer.
I can tell you now – this will happen!
So I will repeat it. As recruiting gets’ more remote’, you get ‘more engaged’.
It’s your most significant opportunity to ‘differentiate’ in a post-covid candidate frenzy.
More engaged. More in tune. Closer relationships.
As others get more slap-dash, you go deeper. When others prepare candidates for interview or debrief them afterwards with an email (God help me!), you have a 25-minute phone conversation or, better still, a coffee where you can. Look them in the eye.
Ask the questions. Study the body language. Listen to the tone.
Finding candidates is not the significant edge in recruitment anymore.
Engaging with candidates, building trust and credibility, and managing the process is where it gets spicy.
And seeing it through to an offer accepted and a job started is where the value really is.
My RecTec and AI frenzied friends will beg to differ, but it’s true nonetheless.
Recruitment is more art than science.
And I for one am grateful for that.
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- Posted by Greg Savage
- On May 18, 2021