The Savage UK Recruitment Director Masterclass
This is no time for ‘business as usual’ if you want to grow profits, fast.
That’s why the Greg and Chris Savage Owner and Manager ‘Savage Growth Accelerator’ Master Class is no ‘normal’ seminar. It gives you a unique ‘action plan’ for growth in disrupted times. And you will leave it with a prioritised ‘Growth Dashboard’ to drive profits in your business, today and tomorrow.
This event drew over 700 attendees on Australia with superb feedback. Last year, in London, over 100 UK owners and managers gave it a resounding ‘thumbs-up’.
So we are bringing it back to the UK in November 2017
Remember – the most dangerous thing in business is a great last result. Our industry is changing fast. But ‘change’ is a massive opportunity for those who adopt best-practice, proven and ‘future-fit’ growth strategies.
Attendees will receive literally hundreds of tips and tactics during the morning, but the 10 Big Growth Takeaways will include;
- A detailed recruiter hiring plan, as well as a key skills template.
- An action plan for creating a high-performance culture.
- A primer and checklist for effective recruiter coaching.
- A communications ‘cheat sheet’ to improve recruiter engagement.
- A social media and digital strategy framework to drive client and candidate acquisition.
- The key financial ratios, including market benchmarks, to drive performance.
- The secret on how to differentiate your brand so you stand out and shine.
- A quick product and services innovation action plan so your offer remains fresh and edgy.
- The five steps to make more profits, faster, from existing clients.
- How to shift from being a ‘supplier’ to becoming a Trusted Advisor.
The last UK Savage Seminars series in London and Manchester, sold out, and many dozens were turned away.
Send your entire leadership team to ‘The Savage Growth Accelerator’, including those earmarked for promotion.
Details and bookings here
- Posted by Greg Savage
- On August 2, 2017
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