Recruiters are liars and scumbags. Google says so.
This depresses me.
My entire working life I have been in this industry, and I have taken my fair share of criticism for just uttering the phrase “I am a recruiter”.
Indeed, there were times, at dinner parties for example, where I dreaded being asked what I did for a living, because I knew I would spend the night defending the profession at large.
But now it seems ‘the great search engine in the sky’ is predefining us as liars, scumbags, idiots and worthless.
Try it.
All you need to do is enter the words “Recruiters are” into Google and then wait and see what Google AutoFill throws up.
It’s horrific, but it needs to be faced, so here is a screenshot of what I saw when I just did it.
Can this be true? How do these things work? Does the Internet contain so many instances of these phrases that Google just defaults to these insults? Is our industry really that bad?
I don’t think so.
What about the Graham Whelan’s of this world? And the recruiters like Peter Murphy? And the countless others who do great work every day?
It is no secret there are problems with service and quality in our industry. I have pointed them out myself many times.
But maybe its time for a bit of balance. A little bit of respect for a hard job, well done by thousands of recruiters from Aberdeen to Auckland, and all ports in between.
In fact, I know its only a drop in the ocean, but Google, stick this in your search engine algorithm.
I hope it gives you indigestion.
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- Posted by Greg Savage
- On April 16, 2013