The Savage Truth gets even more Savage!
For several decades I have owned and run recruitment companies in Australia and elsewhere.
In January this year I made a massive change to that situation.
At the end of 2012 I sold my entire interest in Firebrand Talent Search, the global marketing and digital recruitment company that I founded with a like-minded group of excellent people 3 years ago.
While I’m now still a shareholder of several recruitment companies, my personal work time will be spent advising, consulting, training and public speaking.
To celebrate this change, I have totally revamped my website, including the Savage Truth Blog, which hopefully you have noticed as you look around my new pages and information.
These are exciting times for me. I have been very fortunate to be appointed to the Advisory Board of several recruitment companies, including Stellar Recruitment, Potentia, and people2people. I hope to use my many years of experience to assist these companies to grow and become market leaders in their segments.
I am also very busy with public speaking and training events. Apart from many in-company presentations, I have agreed to a speaking tour of South Africa in May, to speak for the NPA, and several events with the RCSA, as well as speaking engagements in the UK in July.
Thank you all for your tremendous support for my blog, which now routinely exceeds 15,000 readers a month.
Please feel free to contact me if you want to have any more information about the new services I offer.
Regards, Greg – April, 2013
- Posted by Greg Savage
- On April 5, 2013